It was raining heavily this morning, so I put one plastic container to collect rain water under the roof drainage outlet. The water was flowing fast, so figure that it might be full very soon, I put another smaller container beside the big one to catch the over flowing water when the big container fill up later.
Rain stop, and I go and see how much water I collected. I was surprise to see the small container is full but the big one only half full, how can this be?
Two questions I want to ask. One, why I collect rain water, and two why is the big container half full and the small container filled? question number one is obvious, this is where we can control, this is what our intention is. Question number two is a bit tricky, because this is how life goes, this is how it flow, and it is difficult to guess the correct answer and this is where we shouldn't control.
In our line of work (selling insurance, or building insurance business) we know that to become successful, we only need to work on the law of large number, that is 10-3-1, meaning you call on 10 people, 3 agrees to meet and one will buy. We know that, but why we did not do it?
We have many reasons, but for me, it was, I don't want to annoyed my friend, I don't want her to resent me, I want to be accepted welcome by all my friends. But actually I don't know that if I go talk to her about this insurance plan she will resent me or felt offended, I just assume that she might, I guess so.
This is where I don't know how she gonna feel but I try to guess and try to control. This where I shouldn't control, in fact I should tend to my own intention and let other people feel as they like, also they won't think of me, most of the time they think of themselves more and all the time so.
When you pick up a group photo with you in it, who do you look first? yourself of course. So people think of themselves first and themselves last, they will soon forget you, don't worry even if you do offended her. So don't find fault instead find fun in going to meet friends and talk about your trade.
So why does the big one half full and the small one filled? It is better to let her tell you the answer whether she like you to talk to her about your trade or not, than guess what happen, because you will not be satisfied with your guessing answer, you only want the real answer. The rea answer is do it, enjoy it and find out the real out come.